I ain't seen the sunshine in three damn days...

Feb 14, 2008 15:38

So last week I spent the week in bed with Bronchitis. And it sucked. I thought I had the flu, the dr thought I had pnemonia (sp?) and it ended up being Bronchitis. It was sad. I had that whole, I haven't showered in four days thing going on.

Sadest part was I took a shower, finally and then passed out for like four hours. And when I went to work on Sunday I kept getting sick. I still have the cough, which I am sure will follow me around for a month or so.

But other than the cough, and the fact that today is Valentine's Day, I fell much better, and have been back to work again, thankfully.

My birthday is in like two weeks and as always, I'm thrilled. I love my birthday, although Leap Year is trying to over shadow my glory this year, but it's aight. I'll handle it.

Am sitting here with rollers in my hair wondering what on earth I'm going to wear tonight. Sal decided that he was in charge of V day which is a bad bad idea. And I'm sure it's going to end up bad.

I bought him a flask for today and had I Made a Wish and You Came True engraved on one side and 2-14-08 on the back. He mentioned he wanted a flask and I know that quote makes him think of me, so bam. He better fucking like it, and there had better be a gift in return because I worked my ass off getting this flask, and being worried since I was sick. But apparently Things Remembered is my friend. Good friend.

My mom will have been sober, I guess for a year from Cigarrettes and I want to do something special. She wants a t-shirt made and I want to have like a plaque or something made. We're going to have cake and stuff to celebrate because as far as I'm concerned she's amazing for having gone a whole year. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

My ex husband won a Grammy. HOLLA! Apparently he looked awful but was funny. That makes me feel better. Shoulda stayed with me!!

I think I need to go blow dry my hair again. This better work, if my hair looks like ass I'm going to be pissed.

holiday, mom, sal, birthday, valentine's day, vince, health

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