When I talk, you don't talk.

Nov 27, 2007 21:55

So I'm sitting here with a nice cup of chai tea (OOMG. Yummmy.) catching up on my Doctor Who (SQUEEEEE over spoilers) and thinking about my day.

A good day, work was ok, except for the really rude lady who told me and Carmen that we weren't bright enough to understand what was going on. And a bit of unsettling news, but what can you do.

Am currently looking for an icon of Ten in his 3-D glasses. I found one awhile back and didn't really like it.

I have reached over 10,000 words on my NaNo, and those 12,000 words were all handwritten. I'm not going to make NaNo. But I started and I got far. I am yearning to write NCIS fic, so NaNo will wait once that point hits.

My upstairs neighbors need to stop having WWE tryouts in their living rooms. I'm over it.

There was a particular reason for this post, and I remembered that while I was making my tea, now I'm not remembering why.

I uploaded my Halloween, Hollywood 2007 and reunion pics to MySpace. At least most of them. Good effing times man.

I get to sleep in tomorrow, until ten am, OMG I want to go sing. I'm so happy. I will be in bed by 11. As long as my Doctor Who tape is done. No. Regardless, I'm going to bed at 11.

I still cannot remember the point of this post. How funny. Maybe I am losing my mind.

Oh I know one thing I wanted to talk about, is I get to decorate my store for Christmas. Omg. I can't believe they are letting us do that. So Scott is bringing the lights, and I am going to hit up the dollar store and get tinsel, a tree, gummies, and bulbs with string. I am actually excited. Oh and stockings and I need paint to write names. AAAH. I can't wait to hit up the dollar store and the .98 store. Maybe Sal and I can do that on Sunday after work.

Sal told me the other day that he wants to be standing next to me on my 40th birthday. EEEE! I think he's the one!

tv, doctor who, work, sal, nano, atl, tea, apt

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