Sometimes every thing is wrong..

Feb 25, 2007 23:27

I tried to thank all of you who left messages over BJ personally. If I missed you, then I'm sorry and thanks.

My mom buried him Friday morning, so I last saw him Monday and I regret of course, not spending any time with him. But I was late to work.

So the last few days have sucked. Work and annoyances and just general life not being what I'd like.

On the up, I bought a jacket, beat Over the Hedge for XBOX and finished my NCIS Tinsel pinch hit fic.

Ryan and I saw Reno:911 Miami on Friday. It was good. If you like the show you'll like it. I just went to get him off my back about it and because hey, free movie and dinner.

I hate Blockbuster with a passion that keeps me warm at night.

I've also got to stop being anti-social, and call people back.

Wednesday is my birthday and I have nothing planned. Nada.

I went to dinner tonight with a few of my sisters, Erin, Melissa, Mallory, Katie B, my little, my grandlittle Renee, and Teresa. Teresa, Mallory and Melissa are my little's adopted littles, so they are my adopted grandlittles. Renee however is my original and first grandlittle. She's basically my little in a different body. We had a lot of fun. Sushi, balloons and catching up. My little is going to Japan in June for three months to work on a Navy base. Lucky.

Boo called yesterday. He's coming back tomorrow, and will leave on Wednesday. He's building furniture (he's really good) for his uncles restaurant or somesuch and therefore his mommy doesn't want him gone in Fresno too long. Free labor and the cow. Anyway. I am not getting involved, he calls me, he calls, if not, it was a good ride.

Also, Mike? My older man crush that I was dating for awhile? He came into the store today and I had to help him. That was awkward.

My AT card was declined when I tried to buy my jacket. I felt like a tard. I paid my bill, I have never missed a payment on that card and it was declined. I think maybe it was late, but I know I wrote it, because I wrote AT&T one and sent them both the same day. I dropped them off in the blue box on Ashlan and Cedar.

I had to be sure, I have forgotten stuff lately.

I'm rambly and this isn't a happy post. I'll try and keep up with my posting.

I love you very very much.

shopping, xbox, work, at, sisters, alisha, bj, friends, boo, alpha xi delta, life

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