Really? Because I can't see it.

Dec 02, 2006 05:35

So according to my eye doctor, I am completely healed. Which is funny because I'm sitting in the chair, and he's looking at my eye and I say well you know I can see it so I figured it might not be healing right if I can see it. And he's like you can see it? And I say yeah and he's all, I am looking through a microscope and I can't see it.

Yeah I'm a freak. He says it's a scar and it's going to be there forever. It's ok, it's not a glaring stand out and see me scar, but it's there, which is weird. But alas, healed!! Wooo!

I am going to murder my roommate. In a painful, heinous, evil, I'm going to be on CSI type way. We've fought for two days because he's a huge douche and I want him to *poof* disappear. He won't write a big check for rent and let me pay him in a check, he wants to do separate ones and blah fucking blah and I want to know why he's on my back. I told him because of my car and seeing the doctor I am almost short on my part and he dives into a tirade about how I've known about the rent all month and I should be careful and I fucking LOST it.

I know rent is due, however my crystal ball failed and I didn't know I would be out of a car or my eyeball growth. So he's riding my ass and I get fed up and blow up at him which was great. And then he comes in to the kitchen tonight acting like we're best friend and talking to me and then finally addressing the issue and I want him to fuck off. He's stupid and he makes me hate life.

I was supposed to go to dinner with Mike and I totally bailed on him. I don't know what's wrong with me, I like him a lot and I couldn't wait for him to ask me out and here I am. Acting stupid and not actually going to meet him. WTF? He drove all the way there and didn't get my text saying I was headed home.

Thank God we get paid weekly at AT or I would seriously only have $40 to my name until Friday. As it is, if my phone bill comes due I'm screwed. I won't have my cell until Friday.

I'm going back to watching Bones and editing my fic per my beta's instructions. And then some of you will have a pressie from me. And some 100_situations fic. =)

And it's fucking cold in this here Fresno.

boys, work, fic, health, life

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