Beta Appreciation Day.

Oct 15, 2006 06:40

Well I had no idea.

But apparently October 15th is Beta Appreciation Day. And I figure this is as good a time as any to toast my very own beta.

She volunteered to read a fic of mine for a ficathon months ago, a House/Cam fic if I remember correctly and she did a good job.

And then she stuck around. She has read every 100_situations fic I've written. Anything for Fic_variations, or Stagesoflove has also been read by her.

I give her a lot of stuff to work with. Misspellings, sentences that make absolutely no sense at all. Random shit that most likely makes her cringe.

And she never complains. She's very polite about it and she never takes too long to get back to me.

I really am surprised she's yet to bounce and tell me to stick it. She's a busy girl and still she manages to read my mediocre fic and help me out.

So, Carleen, THANK YOU so very much for being my backup. Thank you for not giving up on me yet and continuing to make me feel better about my skills.

krabbypatty you are very much appreciated and loved.


fanfic, friends, writing, fic, thanks

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