
Sep 01, 2006 14:06

I shall tell you all why life should suck penis and croak.

So I dropped $254 on my brakes right? That left me $33 until Thursday at midnight (which is false advertisment, it drops in at like 2am, whatever). Great. I had to borrow money for gas to get to work, just in case. And I had to buy Starbucks. Yes I already know I'm going to hell but it makes me feel like a soft bear hug when I drink so I did. Bite me.

They cut my cell phone off because I didn't make a payment when I was supposed to because $33 just won't pay it and hell, I might need that amount of chump change.

So people could call me, but I can't access voicemail or pay it, because I can't call my bank and check my balance in order to know how much is there if I can't find it.

My hours are gone at work, and I have to cancel my health insurance. So please while we are tackling Mandy, can we do it safely? I don't have insurance anymore.

I can't find a job. A new one. A good one.

And in the better scheme of life, seriously? This is chump change. My life is not that bad. Getting yelled at by my customers means I'm still capable of proper thought processes and I'm not sick. So I need to suck it up and not cry because I have great people like all of y'all who worry about me.

I just think it's shitty that Ryan gets off scott free because he's a kiss ass. Fucker. I hope the new SL quits, that way all of us peons can get our damn hours back.

Now do I not cancel my health insurance in hopes of actually getting my hours back or cancel it and reap the extra 70+ dollars a month for Fan Fest??

Life + me = suck (2)

work, car woes, life

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