I already do.

Aug 30, 2006 13:30

So they called. My car is fixed already. Sweet considering they said they'd get the parts at noon and they called at 12:49. Now I'm going to go write a favorable thing on the website and hopefully they'll still love me.

cattylizzie go with what makes you happy. Once you register, we can poke you from there. =)

I have to go to work tonight which is booboo. Tomorrow too, but things are better. My brakes are new, I paid for them, maybe Mike'll stop by and I've written almost all the meme challenges. Left is just cattylizzie because I don't think I'm nearly that funny to create the brilliance that is Penelope. However. I'm working on it. I've done some research and I know some funny people.

I need to get dressed and shower so I can go pick up my baby. Hee.

work, friends, writing, car woes

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