(no subject)

Feb 23, 2005 22:54

Car tag day two.

TWO KILLS!!!! We are 2-0.

For those not in the know, car tag is when you get out at a stop light tag the other car and get back in. Rules include tag backs are ok, the game is over when the car is off. Anything goes. And don't get caught. By the cops. =)

Our team is two and zero. Good times.

We had preference for some of the new girls and then afterward we went to the tea house with Nicole, who I really like and would like to have in the family. =) She's quiet like me which is awesome.

Am currently talking azd with my little, there is some question over a girl moving in and where she'll go.

Tonight Mary accepted her bid as did Sara. YAY! So that's Dena, Katie, Sara, Mary and possibly Nicole. Shamara hasn't accepted hers yet either. Shamara, Rachel, Nicole haven't accepted yet. Jasmine is the next in line for possible membership. That would be eight. We then need eight to ten more. *Sighs*

i'm supposed to be writing a paper and I haven't worked on it in a while. Boo.

One class tomorrow, need to get gas, buy noxema cloth things, and...can't remember.

Saw hot picture of my husband today. Mmmmmmm. Love him.

shopping, school, alpha xi delta, cars

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