All that I had, was all I gon get...

Feb 22, 2010 10:18

So saying this week was crazy is putting the whole situation lightly. We had a district manager visit Wed-Fri of which my store manager scheduled her turkey baste and was not there. She was only briefly around on Wed and left the co on Thurs and Fri. I and another manager was at a day long meeting at our other store. They completely changed everything and are trying to interpret the dress code to drastic So-Cal standards, of which we do not fall in. We might live in the same state but Fresno will always be Fresno. When people clap more for a dead president at a concert than actors (A Republican president mind you) and almost more than Dale Earnhardt, you can realize what kind of area we are in.

My new manager regardless of going out of town has cut back my hours, and went ahead and scheduled me on my birthday. It's not like I'm looking forward to this birthday in any case, and I'm sure as hell not working on that day. Bad enough I'll have to go to work on Monday hung the fuck over as I'm trying to drink this birthday away. So I'm only there today, Wed and Sat, and ATL Tues, Wed, thurs and I think Friday. Boo. This Broad gotsta go.

My computer automatically adjusts the screen light based on the room, and every time the sun comes out it gets bright and then dark when the light fades. Also I hate landscapers that come at 8AM.

I cleaned my room, my bathroom, and my closet. I took five bags of clothes to goodwill, and one to a friend and I have still got clothes that I cannot fit in my closet. And so Sal and I decided that I'm not to buy any more clothes. Shoes and accessories are a whole different stories. I have a $30 AMEX giftcard from work that has to be used by the 28th. So I can buy whatever I want. And I am afraid to buy anything I might want to take back because of the card being a giftcard. I really want to buy some more makeup, or shoes. Tell me what I want.

Anyhoo this was inspired by ceruleanbreeze. She updates and I tend to do the same. I love my journal and I need to take care of it and post more. I pay for the damn thing after all.

So yes. Tell me what I want. =)

shoes, emma, shopping, work, atl, sal, apartment

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