I just need you now...

Dec 28, 2009 23:28

So Kimmy just scared the bejesus out of me. She was asleep in this crazy unnatural angle and to be honest she looked dead and when I called her name and walked up on her she didn't move. So I freak out and shake the shit out of her and she looks at me like uh, wtf mate? So I loved the shit out of her and told her not to do it again.

Ugh. Today was a shitty day. I felt all blah from the start and then when I went out in public it just got worse. I didn't want to leave the house and felt like I'd be better off at home. Work was busy as ever, meaning I ran and ran register while the other two managers were off talking to each other. Then I went to work with the newest Nimrod and he's an idiot and my manager gets bummed at me because I am not wearing the name tag he made me for Christmas. I feel it's bad juju and he feels like I should wear it regardless. Meh.

Am now at home and find a pre-street movie that I forgot to take to work, and am now probably getting a write up/losing my rentals this week. Fan-fucking-tastic.

I cannot wait for NYE. Dunno what I'm doing, but I'm off that night and the whole next day, so bring it.

cats, work, atl, sad

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