(no subject)

Nov 09, 2009 10:29

I'm trying to make plans for Thanksgiving, but seeing as my sister is not speaking to me, over something incredibly stupid and my dad is going to his best friends. Sal doesn't eat anything that remotely resembles Thanksfving fair, so I'm not going to make food. I don't want to work that day, but since I've no options, I may just do that for the money.

And as she is not interested in speaking to me, she still plans on coming for New Moon. But on a good note, my cousin Eric is flying in from Washington, and my cousin Jeff is gonna pick him up so we're all gonna go to lunch. I've debated telling my sister, but I don't know if he told her and wants her to go. I know I don't.

BUt maybe if I volunteer to work Thanksgiving, I can get out of Chrismtas. Cuz I'd rather have Thanksgiving off.

20 years ago the Berlin Wall fell. I remember it, but barely. I was a chitlin at the time so.

I asked Sal and my dad for a laptop this year. I even found a decently priced one that I wouldn't mind having and set it up for them. Let's just hope they take the bait.

family, holiday, sissy, dad, sal

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