Jan 14, 2012 10:38
[[[[Pick EITHER your galumphing OR your bricolage exercise from Lesson 5, Chapter 3, and post it in the Discussion Area. Feel free to spruce it up if you like.
bricolage. It's a French word that means to succeed using only what's at hand..... Pull something out of nothing with great gusto. I encourage you to practice galumphing and bricolage........Here is a short list of the most boring, mundane items I could think of:
Paper clip, Piece of gravel, Spoon, Plastic bag, Candy wrapper. Pick the one that says the least to you and write about it for five minutes. Go ahead. Try and say nothing. Better still, galumph! Practice bricolage!]]]
It's the orange that catches the eye first, and an instinctive snapping of the head as ears catch the rustle and rattle we grow up learning to listen for in order to beg a piece. And then they come, in ones and twos, if lucky, a crowd when not; all asking for the same whacha got, can I have, ooh I want more. As the deluge lessens and the unwitting victim is left peering into the bag as the inner six year old wishes yet again to have had the forethought to buy a bigger one, and the adult aware of health concerns is minorly amused at the grudging gratefulness of being rescued from themselves and spreading the weight around.
now hear this!!!,
*raised eyebrow*,
boredom is dangerous,