(no subject)

May 20, 2006 11:14

I know for sure what the worst day of my life is and anybody that was on that bus with me does too. But last night was the second worst night i have ever had. it just sucks that it was the same person that make my life a living hell on march 9 2005, Marc actually didnt do it this time. but the other one did. i had having my heart riped out of my chest. i wish i could be that perfect girl. i nedd to act like a 28 year old not 19 even though i am 19. so for everyone that will actually read this my life is about to change in a way that i can't explain. but first i have to find a job then everything fromthere will fall in place. i dont even know where to begin to look so that is my plans for now. But i am about to grow the fuck up and become the real again i have always acted older than i really am. and because of lastnight i am going to do it again. Hopefully i will be in college this fall workign my ass off along with having a part time job. so i was jsut going to fill in my readers on my life as of lastnight. somethings really hit me yersterday and it's that time in mylife where i need to figure out who i am and i can't do that acting the way i am now. so if you have advice i will take it to heart i may not follow it but i will take it.
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