The end of an era...

Jun 09, 2006 09:59

This is going to be my last journal entry of my undergraduate career. I just checkedout Caitlin, my neighbor across the hall, I am waiting for her to finish putting things in the car so she can come get her fish and lock the door. I have a bit of a headache because I stayed up til 4 last night with my research group, and we had no doze, coffee and candy which is the worst combo ever, and now my head hurts. My room is somewhat clean, I am still packing, it is taking quite a while and I have a lot of stuff, Sarah, Michelle and Kat are getting here tommorrow at 9am to help me pack before graduation. I can't believe I am graduating, it seems like only yesterday (and I can remember it vividly) that my dad was dropping me off at Almonty to begin my freshmen year. Since then I have done so many amazing things. I was a member of an amazing organization that helps students become amazing leaders, RHA. I went to a lot of really great programs and put on even more. I made friends, best friends that will be in my life forever, and I love them all so much! I seriously don't know what I would have done without Katie, Jolene, Joanna, Jon (thats a lot of Js) god so many other people that I've been close to. I fell in love, I had my heart broken and then I fell in love again. Wierd situation, glorious outcome. I have learned so much from him and I continue to do so. I've made some wierd choices, been in a lot of pain, emotionally and physically, (mono really sucks). I've felt so much joy and happiness, with my friends, my education, all of the things that makes going to school amazing. I don't regret one minute of it, and I love and value all that I have learned. Oh yeah, I've had the opportunity to be an RA which showed me where my real passion lies, helping students become whoever it is they are going to turn out to be, being there for them, connecting them. And I have the priveledge of seeing them grow into these amazing human beings, leaders, students. I cannot tell you how happy I am when I see these students succeed and how happy I am to help them if they are having trouble. On monday I went to my last RHA banquet where I saw 2 of my residents from last year get sworn into the RHA executive board, I am so proud of them. Then Alexa got a bronze pin (which is a BIG deal), I cried because I was so happy for her. Throughout all the stress in this job, which there can be quite a bit, I always fall back on the way it makes me feel when I have a good conversation with a resident or help them with what they need. That is when I am truly happy. I have realized so much about myself, changed a lot. I mean, look at my relationship with my father, it has never been better, and continues to get better. We hit rough spots but man I am happy with how far we have come. He is so proud of me. Most of all I am happy that I am proud of myself, I have learned this year that I can be too critical of myself. Getting 2 zillion programming points is not what is important for example. I am really happy that I had Seth as my supervisor this year because although I was skeptical at first to how I much I could actually relate to him, I feel like I have learned so much from him. He taught me not to sweat the small stuff, really important lesson for me. Man, it is really hard to try to reflect on 4 years of my life, it has been the most important 4 years of my life so far. People always complain about Ellensburg, for various reasons, too small, too many cowboys, too windy...whatever, but I grew up here, and I will always love Ellensburg no matter how much I complain about it now because I am really tired. I grew up here and these last four years have changed my life. I am greatful for all the experiences I have had and I am so excited to move on and define a new part of myself, as an adult, a professional, and all the other sides of myself just waiting to come out. I know that I will always be me though, the artistic, eternal optomist, friendly loving and supportive person I have been since I was a child, I thank God for every moment, every memory in my life and I can't wait to make more. I love you all that have been such a huge part of my life and I hope that our friendships never go away. Love you all.

Heather Nicole Christian
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