So its Friday! wooooot.
Elie im sooo sorry I didnt hang out last night I was so tired i just watched the sapranos and passed out. I wouldn't have been too much fun anyways. But theres a big old thangy thang in hillsboro tonight at Ferg's house if anyones interested...(you are thinking "ewww hillsboro" yes i know... haha) well things are going well but could be going better. I miss my Ty i havent seen him and it blows.
I got a cute new purse. Never in a million years would i have thought to ever get one like this but it looks cool.
ummm...went to the extractor house the other night, that was fun, lots of people. "BEER and METAL!" haha. Sara and I met some cool new people it was fun.
And for some odd reason I am hearing babys crying,????
I miss my girls! El, Puff, Hank.... Hanks birthdays on Sunday!!! yay hank! happy day i love u and will see u saturday night.
God this is the most retarded entry ever. owell.
I think i will go now.. but owow gweneth paltrow is pregnant again!! oooo chris martin is hot. lucky bitch.
I love me a mexican.. haha
Look at my new artwork....thanks to Stevey