The end of an incredible adventure...

Jun 14, 2006 02:34

I can't wait to get back home into the swing of things. I can't wait to ride with my dad and listen to classic rock and talk about my adventure. I can't wait to get home and watch a movie with my mom while eating cheese popcorn and drinking chocolate milk. I can't wait to get home and have a bonfire with my brother and our closest friends, Corie and Staci. I can't wait to get home and sit out in the garage with my dad and his buddies, Irv and Gary listening to classic rock and listen to their talk about cars and the good ol' days. I can't wait to get back home and go for a bike ride with Lee out to Staci's and sit in her drive way with her new puppy and her new love and talk about the good ol' days. I can't wait to get back home and hang out with Paul and see how much he's changed. But, most importantly, I can't wait to get home and start my new adventure.

I'm going to miss going to Disney World for free and ride a couple rides and just go home. I'm going to miss going to Ale House and meeting up with Ryan Lester, Jon, and the rest of the coaster cast. I'm going to miss walks and talks with Jon in the Celebration Park. I'm going to miss going to PI with my roommates and having Jenna do my makeup and hair before we leave. I'm going to miss the random house party with lots of dancing and singing into ladles. I'm going to miss meeting a new person everyday. I'm going to miss late night trips to Perkins, Steak-n-Shake, and Ale House after work.

I already miss working with Danelle, playing with Randall, and staying the night at Jon's house. I miss 3107. I miss going out with Alex and Jessica and Jon and being completely awesome. But, mostly... I'm going to miss Jon. Why? Because he made me realize something about myself.

He's made me realize that it's possible for me to have a healthy relationship. He made me remember that a relationship is more than physical. He made me remember that I can care for someone and only that someone.
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