Jun 15, 2006 18:02
i love life.. and i love summer.. and i love WV... and i love florida.. and i love surfing.. and i love my friends... and i love the beach.. and i love the sky.. and i love night time... and i love daytime.. and i love going on dates... and i love partying... and i love the sand between my toes.. and i love kayaking.. and i just love my life!
but u know what i dont like?! i dont liek stupid peopel... i really dont.. i just have no patience for them.. and thats coming from the mouth of a VERY laid back person! usually i tolerate eveyrone.. mostly bcuz im a very sarcastic person and i can just laugh eveyrthign off.. and make a joke out of eveything.. and i LOVE that about myself. i dont let peoepl get to me.. some peoepl kno how tho.. lol but not really.
however... idiotic people really just make me mad.. o0o and my new pet peeve??-- being called awful by people that are faaar more awful than i could ever even fathom... peopel... are idiots.
Why do we have to go around thinking about what other peopel did to us? or what they didnt do for us? or what they have said... or what they may never say?! its just annoying! we should live our own lives.. and make things happen for ourselves.. and not worry about how others are influencing our lives.
we shuld stop blamin other peoepl for our own insecurites.. and stop blaming others for what has went wrong in our lives.. we all need to take responsiblity and just brush our shoulders off! lol sorry. but seriously.. love ur life.. u enevr knw when its gonna end
Sorry for preachin.. and maybe i should practice what i preach... but seriously.. i think of myself as a cool, laidback (yet very outgoing) girl.. and although i am outspoken.. i try to always make peopel laugh and feel good.. and thats what life shoudl be about!
Sorry this is so long.. i just felt liek like syaing all this... u kno.. Love is unpredictable.. some wish for lvoe all of their lives, but never even find it.. which is sad... very sad... but maybe.. just maybe they dont find it bcuz they were too busy looking at all the stupid little imperfections.. and thinking too much about themselves
NOW.. can we all just get along?!?! lol seriously... be kind to one another.. or atleast be civil.. and live life to the fullest! U never know what tomorrow has in store.. so be nice.. b4 its too late! and then.. maaaaybe.. ull actually find what ur looking for..