Jun 18, 2004 14:15
so0o0o yesterday i took the global regents....mrah!....but i thought it was pretty easy surprisingly soo...Today was the little health final becuz the stupid ppl blew the school up and stufff so we had to go in to take it. OMG i got a 97 I beat Pasquale and Lindsay....96 and 93 lol we got 10 extra points becuz we came to retake it! we are so awesome. so after me Lindsay and Pasquale walked around the school and talked to mrs. attridge and then we saw the 10 year old sub dude that i havent seen in a long time and Lindsay of course told him that he looks like Johnny Depp. lmao. me and pasquale just acted like we didnt kno her and ran away lol. then i showed them my puppy! they liked it and then my mom invited pasquale to come over and cook dinner and then another night she invited lindsays boyfriend to come over and cook dinner. lol i love my mommy lol
I need you to comment on this.....ok i have an 85.876 final grade in english....my english teacher says if i get an 87 on the final i'll have a B+ average...but the final is optional...so should i keep with the B or attempt to get an 87 on the final for a B+.
Please help. its monday and i so dont wanna goo.
sry i've been updating with alot of surveys they can be addicting....especially when u r super bored.
I cant wait until tomorrow which im only going to a chem reveiw, get my hair did, and going to a 1st birthday party. It just seems like tomorrow is going to be a good day.
Please Pray that me and greg will be smart enough to pass the chem regents.
I MISS Mr.SLAVIN. lol Lyndsssseyyyy and I MISS MR.MCGUIRE back when life was easy. and like we all do I MISS MR. CLARK!!!