"There is no good pizza, bagels, or Chinese food outside of New York."

Oct 24, 2004 16:57

I'm home, my weekend was good. I left school 7th period on Friday to get ready and pack and stuff. We took the ferry around 5 and got up to Massachusetts around 8. The ferry was pretty rough; the weather was horrible. I just sat outside by myself the whole time. We didn't do much Friday night, we were all tired. Saturday morning I woke up early and went down to the exercise room and the pool with my dad for a little while. Then we all got ready and went to Six Flags New England, but of course we got lost on the way. We were practically the first people there, so there weren't any lines or anything. I didn't go on many rides, I hate rollercoasters. It was decorated for Halloween which was cool. It was so cold though. After that we got dinner and went back to the room to take a nap. My parents went out so my brother and I went to the pool. Today we didn't do much, just drove around for a few hours before going to the ferry. We got on an earlier ferry home, we just got in a little while ago. I actually had a lot of fun with just my family. I wish we were away for more than 2 days though because I really don't feel like going to school tomorrow. At least we get like 4 days off in November.
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