Friends. Dear friends. Okay. Merlin. So not only did you not inform me that Anthony Stewart Head played Uther Pendragon, but you conveniently forgot to mention that my favorite junkie artist (that'd be Santiago Cabrera) plays Lancelot? Why was I not informed?! I believe I have a standing request to be informed if the amount of hotness on a show exceeds 11!
Well. If you didn't have this information, this is me passing it along. If you did have this information, and chose to withhold it... Oooo man. I'm going to require some casting information/pictures of hot people to appease me.
In the meantime, please enjoy what I've been missing for all these years.
Sir Lancelot:
Other old casting news that has recently caused me to wonder if I've been living under a rock:
Rupert Graves (that's Detective Inspector Lestrade to you) as a young (seductive) thing in
Our man Rupert doesn't figure in until later in the movie, but there's a ton of young-British-man UST throughout the whole story. Also, Hugh Grant is in this movie.
And Joseph Gordon-Levitt looking as far from Arthur's buttoned-up control as possible, playing an emotionally numb hustler in
Mysterious Skin:
Let me warn you that while this movie does contain a lot thought-provoking gay themes, it also includes really disturbing scenes of child sexual abuse. So watch out for that.
In other news, I'm reccing for
221b-recs this month, which means I get to inflict my opinions about Sherlock fic on the masses! I get to make twelve recs over the course of the month, and haven't started yet, so watch out. Also, if you like Sherlock fic, you can
sign up for your own month-long stint as a reccer!
Other things I'm working on include a few long-overdue gift fics, plus a possible companion piece to
my Holmestice slave!fic story. And being able to sit outside in the suuuun!