Memery is inescapable!

Jun 01, 2010 21:18

Yet another icon meme, passed along by speccygeekgrrl.

1. Reply to this post with "ICONS!", and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

This is a reference to a stage direction from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale: "Exit, pursued by bear." Theatre nerds represent! Also, this is a good option to keep in mind when you're not sure how to end a scene.

Disney's version of Robin Hood is the one of the seminal cartoons of my childhood. That talking rooster is the shit. And Oo-De-Lally gets stuck in your head really easily. Like now. *hums*

This is a duck. In bondage gear. I figure this represents my complete and utter shame at corrupting seemingly innocent things like Peter Petrelli and Pavel Chekov.

Speaking of seemingly innocent things! Pavel Chekov is the most adorable chibi in the world. I mean, he's kind of a live-action chibi, so it's not much of a stretch to illustrate him that way. But how can you not be affected by that level of squee?

Nathan Petrelli, how I miss you. One of my favorite things about him was his arrogance. Just look at that sneer. Yeah, he sells it even from five foot eight.

No character on that show was displaying anything approaching logical sense at that point in the season (and many points before and after). They deserve(d) to be mocked. Mercilessly. I also use the icon when I need the help of my magic f-list's crazy knowledge!

Okay, now you try!

meme, go to bed already, making trouble

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