I is a sucky commentator! I have been so wrapped up in getting the
sncross_bigbang story I'm writing with
jaune_chat ready for the draft deadline that I haven't done anything else, not even this! Well... beter late than never?
In other news, I still have a couple more kink meme fics to polish and re-post (do they never end!?) and then it's on to work on for my lovely Sweet Charity mistresses,
pinkfinity and
eldritchhobbit, and cracking the whip over my own Sweet Tarts,
pyro_monkey17, and
xkelorosiamano. Yes, I bought a stable of Tarts. Yes, I'm comfortable with that.
Previously on Heroes… Danko gets a puppet for a present (but I wanted a pony!), HRG wants to earn Danko’s love, Claire’s free pass expires, and Nathan is a good father for once.
Nathan and Claire are Inappropriate!
Nathan flies to Mexico with his daughter. Claire and Nathan both speak Spanish. Nathan speaks Spanish and French? Be still my heart. Nathan spends all his money on a hotel room (with one bed-I think I’ve seen this in half a dozen fanfics), but Claire decides she’d rather go for a walk, thank you very much. At least Nathan claimed to not want to pay by the hour.
Nathan is drinking at the cantina (that will end well) when Claire comes back with money from pawning the necklace her real dad gave her. Nathan asks for some gratitude, and then proceeds to eye some frat boys… Um… What do you have planned, Captain Tight Pants?
What he has planned is NOT an orgy (aw) but rather, a drinking contest! Good thing Claire doesn't know he's a recovering alcoholic. Still, Claire is not pleased about having to watch her bio-dad have a drinking contest with frat boys. He claims to have done this for money when on shore leave. Fic nao, plz!
A few hours later, Claire is holding Nathan up from falling off his bar stool. He collapses, so Claire takes up the drinking gauntlet. She may be underage, but this is spring break in Mexico, damnit. If she can't go wild now, then when can she? By the magic power of her regenerating liver and brain tissue Claire drinks the frat boy under the table, but not before playing drunk and obliquely confessing to her drinking buddy that Nathan's not so bad. She wakes up her drunken dad, and they take off. (P.S. Have you seen the deleted scene that goes here? Hilarious! Friends don't let friends fly drunk, Nathan.)
Claire brings home drunk Nathan. Seriously, fic writers have done this. She is undressing him? Srsly? It’s drunken confession time. Nathan really does want a relationship with his daughter, especially now that he’s totally forgotten about his sons. He promises to fix everything. Now I sort of want an AU where Nathan’s a drunken lout single father that Claire has to take care of.
In the harsh light of morning, Nathan confesses that he can’t really fix anything, and Claire’s illusions are shattered. Claire tells him that she believes in him, and that he should be a hero. Nathan feels bad about himself, plus hung over. Stupid regular liver.
In Mexico, I’m not sure how Claire planned to get over the border with no documentation at all, but luckily Nathan gets her necklace out of hock for her and they walk off into the sunset, probably to fly back to New York and reunite with the rest of Team Petrelli!
Angela and Peter are Adorable (and Inappropriate), and also HRG is there
Angela is in a church. Okay, I previously saw part of this scene courtesy of
mystery_sock, and was soooo happy to see this quiet little scene about actual character development make it into the episode.
Peter gets Angela a dry coat, and listens to her lament about how she never was really supportive of him. She could have told him about people like them. The coming-out metaphors continue. Later, they're actually going to get in a closet (well, a confessional, but you see the point).
Peter is getting bored while his mom prays. I wonder how many times this has happened in Peter’s life. Finally, he breaks down and monologues, questioning God for why he doesn’t want Peter to just help all the little people of the world. He’s angry. And I think he’s probably only seventeen or so.
God sends a sign, and it is federal agents. Angela and Peter hide in a confessional. Angela confesses her sins to Peter and apologizes. Mmmm... priest Peter.... Sorry, I'm back.
HRG busts in, but he covers for them, despite how much he needs a win. Because honestly, who could arrest two sets of adorable puppy eyes like those?
A little later, Angela has fallen asleep. Yay! She can dream and figure out what to do! Angela declares that they must reunite the Petrelli clan, and then go visit her sister. Hooray for Petrelli reunion!
They walk out of the church hand in hand, and Peter looks back with a smile on his face: his faith in God has been restored! He's not quite future!Peter... yet.
Danko and Sylar are Inappropriate, and also HRG is there
“You’re Nathan Petrelli’s boy,” Danko snipes.
You know Noah is biting back, “Actually, Nathan Petrelli is my boy.”
Danko reminds Noah that he really needs a win way more than Danko, since Danko totally brought in the puppet man. Noah's look says, "Yeah right," but still, he knows that in this economy, he'd better prove he's an essential worker!
In yet another car scene (Car is to Zachary Quinto as telephone is to Senhil Ramamurthy) Sylar offers to help Danko. Danko considers, with his gun, but Sylar is already gone. Although what the hell power it was that got Sylar out of the car and onto the roof, I have no idea. It must be his new power of Dramatic Stage Blocking!
Danko tries to reenact that one scene in Apollo 13 where he declares that they've never lost an American only lost a couple dozen commando guys in space the fight agent Special!Terrorists, and they're sure as hell not going to lose one on his watch let these poor patriots die in vain, but he’s not nearly as inspiring as Ed Harris. HRG pushes the concept of “focused manipulation.” Danko thinks that's not quite morally gray enough for him, but he does seem to be warming to this one of us/one of them concept, and would like to subscribe to the Primatech newsletter.
Sylar loves his accents. And his costumes. As Danko later notes. Now, however, Danko says, “What’s in the box,” all Brad Pitt like. And just like it was in Se7en, the answer is, "A severed head." When is the answer not, "A severed head," honestly. I all the time win at Jeopardy using that theory. The bad guy is a shape shifter. Oh noes! But this shifter must touch people to steal their faces, and apparently, as we see during a parking-garage chase, it takes some effort. It’s more Supernatural-type shapeshifter thing than a clean, snappy Heroes power.
Back at the shapeshifter's apartment, Danko makes fun on Sylar’s propensity for playacting. He does, however, make the mistake of chatting first before pulling the trigger. Which means that he does not intent to shoot him.
Sylar prposes a beautiful partnership, and offers up his theories on how to defeat a special like this. He offers some constructive criticism of Danko's methods to date. The unspoken “duh” after “you do not chase a shape shifter” is classic.
Both the boys have fun playing gumshoe, and both try to profile the shapeshifter man. He's worse than Sylar with his playacting! They find matches from his favorite club: Garden of Eden, and head off for a night on the town.
Danko and Sylar hang out at a club, woot! Appletinis for everyone! But the fugitive has stolen Danko’s face. Dude, that is NOT going to get him laid. Except that apparently some chicks are into that. And probably Zeljko Ivanek doesn't get a lot of chances to make out with hot chicks on screen. Sylar holds Danko’s hand to stop him from chasing the guy, and gets the opportunity for another "duh" moment.
There's a little bit of cat-and-mouse chase, and when Danko and Sylar meet up, we're not sure which one of them the 'shifter is impersonating. Oh, the suspense! Danko shoots the shapeshifter (who's looking like Sylar, which if you ask me, is a way better way to get laid), and asks Sylar to eat his brains without leaving a line on his forehead. Y’know, so he can claim he brought in his man.
HRG is pissed as hell that Danko seems to have taken down his nemesis.Or maybe he's just sad that Sylar is dead. *sniff* We'll always have that time I slit your throat in the stock room, SySy!
Danko and Sylar have teamed up, now that everyone thinks Sylar is dead! I’m going to get sick of watching that shapeshifting transition. It looks painful and sounds unpleasant. Also, it had better not mean less screen time for Zachary Quinto! You shall not replace the Sybrows! 'M just sayin.
Very lovely episode. I approve, Heroes! Carry on.