Commentary: Heroes 3x07: Eris Quod Sum

Oct 27, 2008 19:53

It doesn’t seem like it’s been a week since the last episode. Maybe because I’ve written about 10,000 words since then. Phew. Now time to relax and watch the telly.

Oh, thanks voiceover man. I couldn’t understand this plot without you. Because I don’t have two brain cells to rub together.

Sometimes Ando is not the voice of reason. Africain!Isaac is usually the voice of reason, however, so I don’t know exactly what he’s urging.

Okay, spider!Mo… Probably good to run away on his part, but it seems you might be an even match for Nathan and Niki. But uh… why does he take Maya? I mean, he’s not really trying to help Maya. That’s a cover story to cover up for his need for HUMAN BLOOD, right?

Was that a flashback to Athur's never-before-seen funeral? Neat-o. Good thing he was cremated. Or something was cremated. Probably Maury just poured some junk from his vacuum cleaner bag into a coffee can and handed it to Angela.

Peter’s in handcuffs again. Must be Monday. Even without *the hunger,* Peter’s violent and ultra emo. “I'll make you pay for everything you’ve ever done.” Eep. We know what that means, right 47_trek_47?

“You’re grounded.” Doesn’t help that Milo looks ten years old in that shot.

And now…Eris quod sum Which means, btw, “I am what you will be.” Usually used as an epitaph. Is it me, or are the titles several degrees more pretentious this season? We've now gone from "pretentious poetry-quoting bohemian" to "pretentious Latin-quoting classics major or law student."

My roommate: Where’s their son? Um… Kyle?
Me: Lyle.
My roommate: Whatever. It’s been awhile.

Lyle: “Bitch is back.” Good comeback line. And good self-defense, too, with the water. More effective than either mace or letting yourself get zapped repeatedly!

And now, to Pinehurst. Which is a much nicer front than Primatech.
Mohinder: “What could possibly drive a father to put his children through such grief?”
Arthur: “Have you met their mother?”

Okay, so now Maya is powerless. Can she go? Back home or something?

Now Mohinder gets suspicious? Oh please. Don’t pretend to have a shred of morality (or dignity) left.

Who’s left in Hartford to take care of poor Angela, anyway? Good thing she can work her mojo to appear in Sylar’s dreams. Mommy issues multiply and multiply on this show, don’t they? I mean, do the writers think about saying to each other, “How could we introduce more parental issues for our major characters?”

Speaking of Daddy issues, Elle seeks out Bennet for help! But she gets Claire instead. And you can tell they have some serious sister dynamic going on. Too bad that storyline never happened; I really like Kristen Bell. And Hayden actually has someone to play against.

In other news, Elle has become the Sawyer of Heroes, with her nicknames for Claire. Cheerleader. Dorothy. Did she call her by name once during that scene?

Maury: “My loyalty for his safety, that was the arrangement.” What? Maury being a good dad? And then dying horribly and quickly. Par for the course on Heroes.

Matt finally calls Mo! Took until episode seven, but okay. I hope the turtle gets along with the lizard. And that the turtle wasn't carrying horrible diseases. But I'm sure Matt went through all the proper channels in bringing back a wild animal from Africa. I'm suuuuuure he did.

Okay, Daphne and Matt are adorable. I love that Matt was willing to get shot for her. Now that’s wuv. Twuw luv.

Peter’s popping out of his shirt. Ratings go up. Peter’s strapped to a table. Ratings go up again. Mohinder starts talking pseudo-science. Ratings go down.

Mylar reunion! But only briefly. Sylar: “That’s what brothers do, Peter. They look out for each other.” Aww, sweet. The Petrellis are cute. As is Peter’s funny run.

DAMNIT! Why can’t Sylar and Peter be in the same place at the same time for more than one scene?! Now Mr. Stupid is on the loose again (albeit without his powers, which is probably good for world safety), and the most kickass of Petrelli brothers is in captivity again. I’m disappointed that Spider!Mo was able to take Sylar down so easily. Seriously? Even after Ma Petrelli told him how awesomely awesome he was? Or did she want him to get captured by Arthur somehow?

Meredith and Nathan reunion. Awkward. But hilarious.

You take the crazy uncontrollable electric girl on the airplane? Good idea. No danger there. “CALM DOWN! WE’RE GOING TO DIE!” Good tactics, Claire Bear. The planes’ going down! That’s what you get for flying Oceanic.

Um… there was nothing remotely sexual about that. Chhyeah.

Good thing Daphne got to Matt's apartment only five minutes or so before Knox.

Uh… Wait… What? Daphne and Matt Parkman can’t be dead. Because this show wouldn’t do that shit two weeks in a row. I refuse to get upset because it can’t possible be true. No. Nu-uh. They did not get rid of Greg Grunberg. I don’t believe it. Anders I can believe. But not Grunberg.

Ah, my roommate got it before me. Matt used his mind-mojo to trick Knox. I never get any twists before they happen. I'm too trusting. Sixth Sense, Usual Suspects, everything surprises me. Matt’s not a fuck-up any more. He’s super heroic.

Matt “We’d still need help. How about Primatech?”
Daphne: “Been there, done that.”
Excellent idea.

Angela tried to drown her baby. Medea much? And now she wants to sacrifice Sylar to save Peter, because he’s her favorite? Her favorite who she was willing to have Parkman shoot last month? Hm… The Petrelli drama continues.

Peter even sucks at escaping. Oh, poor baby. I’m starting to think he was a really incompetent nurse. They put him on hospice duty because he was killing people anyway.

Apparently Sylar is very weak-willed. That’s disappointing. He believes anything anyone says to him. Come on now. He’s a smart boy. Can you imagine if they grew up all together?
Nathan: Gabriel, go stick your head in the toilet.
Gabriel: Okay.
Peter; Nu-uh! Don’t do it! Punch Nathan in the face!
Gabriel: Okay!
Angela: Boys, stop teasing your brother!

Conveniently, Peter falls out a window directly in front of Elle, Claire, and her majick healing blud. But… He’s not dead, for all that. Hm.

Tracy laughs with the whole audience at the absurdity of the Petrelli family tree. Tracy would totally kick Meredith’s ass in a fight. Also, Meredith continues to flame every time she enters the room. Just in case anyone’s forgotten she’s “special.”

Good thing Sylar did something to save Peter. I’m glad the writers have actually written him smart. Sylar, forget all I said regarding your fickleness. You are indeed an evil mastermind on par with the dearly departed Adam Monroe!

Peter is shirtless in bed and Claire is giving him a sponge bath? Are you for real right now? Somewhere, a Paire shipper's head is exploding.

Claire’s sad because Nathan loves Peter more than he loves her. When he pushed past her to see his bro, watch the stink eye she gives him. Peter suggests a course of action, and Nathan says “Okay, sure”? No. But Nathan is a good liar. And he knows how to placate his brother. Did we really believe for a minute that he was going to do things “Peter’s way”? That’s a no.

Tracy has useful information. Sweet! A woman can help. And she wasn’t employed as a stripper for Pinehurst, either. She was a real life consultant! Probably wore a pantsuit and everything!

And there was also a scene with African!Isaac, Hiro, Ando, and wacky psychedelic paste, but we’ve seen this scene before with Matt Parkman, so I won’t describe it again.

In conclusion: love Sylar, love Peter/Nathan screen time, love revelations about the Petrelli past. Food for fanfic!

I really need to watch all the episodes from this season again in order, but that will in no way shape or form happen before the election. Damn. So maybe a marathon viewing right before Heroes returns in two weeks!

*Spoilers only for the post-episode teaser below*

Looks like we get a flashback episode again in two weeks. SO excited. And it looks like Arthur and Linderman are in the same room. Oh dear. This is so not good for my new non-con-triangle addiction. Srsly. I am a deeply disturbed individual.

commentary, heroes_meta

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