It's that time of year again, when I gave at my navel and question all my life choices! I haven't spent nearly as much time as I wanted to on fannish concerns this year, and my writing output has been much less than I'd hoped, but c'est la vie! Such is the life of a grad student, right? Anyway, here are the usual compiled stats and commentary from my year.
Total Word Count: 59609 words (down 30% from last year, for a four-year low. woe is me!)
Total fics: 16 (down slightly from last year’s 18, average story length 3725 words)
Fandoms: 8 fandoms, including Sherlock, Neverwhere, Being Human, Sherlock Holmes (ACD), Harry Potter, Avengers, Teen Wolf, and Star Trek
January 8 fics, 6 fandoms, 11194 words
Long Distance II, Sherlock, 2130
A Substantial Favour, Neverwhere/Being Human (UK), 905
Compersion, Sherlock, 3404
Fragile, Like Frost, Sherlock, 769
An Invitation, and What It Made Known, Sherlock Holmes (ACD), 595
Debrief, Star Trek, 286
Lessons, Sherlock, 2894
Everything In Its Place, Avengers, 166
February 1 fic, 2 fandoms, 6250 words
There Is Only One Heart In My Body, Harry Potter/Being Human (UK), 6250
June: 2 fics, 1 fandom, 24,385 words
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, Sherlock, 23,331
I Don’t Buy It; It’s Not For Sale, Sherlock, 1054
August 2 fics, 1 fandom, 4654 words
The Night Sky Is No Home, Teen Wolf, 1154
You Land Badly, Teen Wolf, 3500
September 1 fic, 1 fandom, 3922 words
Go To the Edge Sometime, Teen Wolf, 3922
No Second Guesses or Secret Signs, Teen Wolf, 2933
We Are Not Tragedies, Teen Wolf, 6316
Looking back, did I write more fic than I thought I would this year, less, or about what I'd predicted?
Less. Grad school has really been curtailing my writing output, probably because I spend so much time being creative for school that those brain cells are exhausted when it comes time for “fun stuff.” I am also shocked that only one installment of my Sherlock slave AU made it out this year, because I feel like I’ve been thinking about it constantly.
What pairing/genre/fandom did I write that I would never have predicted in January?
Teen Wolf! My old roommate got me hooked. Yes, it’s a guilty pleasure, but it’s just so perfect for fandom (shirtless guys, ridiculous plot holes, supernatural elements) that I couldn’t resist.
What's my own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes me happiest?
Fragile, Like Frost, my wee!Sherlock story. I just love the idea of tiny, sad Sherlock in footie pyjamas being consoled by wee!Mycroft.
What is my most popular story?
By hits on AO3, the top three are:
If It Were Not So, I Would Have Told You, the latest installment of my Sherlock slave AU
We Are Not Tragedies, my Teen Wolf demons-made-them-do-it
I Don’t Buy It, It’s Not For Sale, a one-shot prostitute!John teaser
Teen Wolf fandom is so large that We Are Tragedies amassed all those hits in the two weeks or so it’s been up, whereas fics in other fandoms generally take much longer to get that kind of readership.
Did I take any writing risks this year? What did I learn from them?
Because I didn't have as much time this year, when I did come out to play, I tried to write shorter things that wouldn't turn into epic universes! It was definitely enlightening to try to fit my ideas into smaller packages. Ultimately, it made me really consider which stories I really wanted to tell, and what absolutely had to be included to make those stories work.
Do I have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
FINISH MY SLAVE AU! I think three years is probably enough to play in this universe. I know where things I going; I just need to carve out the time to make it happen. I think the toughest part (with lots of case fic elements) is the one I’m working on now, so my hope is that after that, things will get easier.
Now you do the meme! I've missed so much this year, I'd be interested to hear what you've been up to!