Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can break the heart........

Mar 09, 2003 02:53

Ok so its spring break and everyone is having fun and being young and life is good. Right? Wrong. I'm back in hell with my parents,listening to how incompetant and immature I am. Right now I'm actually crying. Me! Crying! I DON'T CRY! I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I CRIED! ITS BEEN MONTHS! I HATE TO CRY! Yet here I room floor covered in black eyeliner and mascara making long black tear lines down my cheeks....

The ride back was awful. I thought it would never end. My dad just droned on and on about my failures and shortcomings and what a dissapointment I am. Ugg. He told me that I had not kept any of my promises to him. I told him that wasn't true because I had not gotten pregnant. He didn't think it was funny. I did. Then I text messaged my little sister who was sitting in the front seat. I wrote "dad is talking but all I hear is blagh blagh blagh." Mollie started laughing and then SHE TOLD DAD WHAT I HAD SAID. I still don't understand why she did that. I gave her a look and she said "what? dad isn't mad about it." Right Mollie. Thats why he told me tonight that he thought that I acted like a 13 year old when I did it. The he said that he almost pulled over the car and beat my ass right there! SPANKING ME?! I'M ALMOST 19 FUCKING YEARS OLD! HELLOOO! DOES HE KNOW ANY WAY TO MAKE A POINT TO ME OTHER THAN HITTING ME?!

Today my lil sis had a softball tournament so I was home all day by myself and I did EVERYTHING my mom asked me to and more. I did most of the laundry, I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, I cleaned my room. Then I had kyle, hank, and amber(kyle's g/f) over to my house to watch Princess Bride. We had a great time time trying to throw skittles into each others mouth and doing a horrible job at it. Then Hank asked if I wanted to go see some awesome bands play at the blue monkey. I asked my parents and they said no cause I had already been to mardi gras. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?! I swear logic avoids my parents like the plague.

So Kyle and Amber leave. Hank goes to the blue monkey to have a blast and rock out. I stay at home so my parents can bitch at me. Oh fun. And its only saturday. This is going to be a great week.

Luckily, mat called me. Gosh I feel so bad when I cry on the phone to someone. I know he's far away and he can't do anything, but it helped just to hear his voice. He actually was able to calm me down and make me laugh. What would I do without him? I didn't think I would miss him that much, but I do.

Even though tonight sucked, it was great to see hank and kyle. I really miss my guys. I know hank hates it when people touch him, but I gave him a big hug anyway. At first he was all quiet, but I got him to play around and loosen up after awhile. Even if I did have to beat him with a pillow to do it.

And thus ends the first official day of my spring break. Whoopee de freakin da.
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