seriously dude how can u mention lorriane without hitting up the middle school reference to angela anaconda. i mean people still bring that up. in fact last week i think that carrie or maybe margaret mentioned it to me. Lorraine is flippin swqeet because she is almost always positive. you light up my life. and you make some freakin awesome chem posters on basically the entire periodic table. ALso a lot of the stuff u say in english is really original and interesting. sometimes you say you dont understand or that ur stupid but i have no idea what ur talking about because i much rather listen to ur ideas on huck or hamlet then, i dont know, maybe TOMAS. ARGH. anyway. Only the good die young reminds me of lorraine because its kinda sorta about catholic girls and as we are catholic girl i find it fitting. celebrity. kevin smith. no doubt. hands down. you don't really look like him but that can be fixed with a little plastic surgery. SIKE. dont change. that would be creepy in a micheal jackson-esque way. one word: knavish. why? a) it was an english vocab word. b) ur silly.
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