nothing left but those damned coyotes and me

Feb 28, 2006 01:56

i just got back from wilmington tonight after a four day run. i am exhauseted.
i have been excessively obsessed with the grizzly man for the past two days and after reading everything about tim treadwell getting eaten with his girl by a grizzly after living with the bears, i think im over it. but damn i gotta get to alaska soon.

wilmington was fun, i thrashed with the sean and teh troll and we managed to snag some limo while obliterated friday night with a bunch of girls i didnt know and some fifty year old lady said she'd pay for anything we wanted (cause she was trying to rape everybody) so we were like okay lets roll and i ended up stealing all the beers and drawing penis faces and writing obscenities all over the steamed windows and somone ripped the phone out after the limo driver kicked the old lady out and tried to make us pay him all kinds of cash we did not have. then my shoes got all muddy in the swamp in front of sean's house and phineas showed up and we all fought until sunrise and went to hardees hurt up pretty bad. the hardees near monkey junction has the best breakfast ladies who give you like three of anything that you order one of, its awesome. so me phineas stocked up on bacon egg and cheeses and oj and slouched it with ike and art while trying to save babylon with some prince most of the day in the rain. by the way freddy vs jason is a great movie.

this past weekend i
a. drank a fifth of jameson
b. slapped sean with a piece of pizza (hawaiian)
c. sank a john boat in the rain
d. lost money on the shnack vs jack fight
e. took shots of highlighter water just because
f. all of the above

i cant tell whether im wrong or right in trying to completely phase someone out of my life
its hard to deliberately forget people

its not working

i find out this week whether i work for the fire department anymore or not. i have no idea whether i am going to get it or not, or whether i should or not. i also could go either way. heads i live in chapel hill and fight fires while trying to figure out how to snake the rest of college, tails i go back to wilmington and fight the good fight while trying to stay out of the hospital. as much as i want to be a firefighter, which is an extreme amount of want, i dont know if i want to be anchored down anywhere yet. i mean i still have to start a gang in juarez mexico, fight the grizzlies in alaska, camp on vraniza in bosnia, pass out on rine street in cork and hunt the xylophene in new zealand. i mean thats a lot to handle with a full time job. not to mention all the rock and roll.....

things just arent the same since q and not u broke up
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