Weekend picspam

Mar 30, 2008 14:49

Earth Hour

So we actually went ahead with Earth Hour, staying outside during the hour to get some cool air. We were the only household on the street to do so at first. When my dad wondered why only we were going through with it, I said loudly, "I guess no one else here has Internet. Losers." Heh.

We were joined by our next-door neighbors later, but I think they only did so for less than an hour. We killed time by playing Trivial Pursuit with a flashlight outside. Hee.

The outside of our darkened house. The next-door neighbors hadn't joined yet at that point.

Ryan, the next-door neighbors' golden retriever. We want to steal him and make him our own, because he's that adorable.

Starbucks Caramel Waffles

Love these! Starbucks now has these Dutch waffles, or stroopwafels, made directly in the Netherlands. Finally found them in Makati, after I couldn't find any in the branches I visited near the office. There are two waffles in each pack, but I can only really finish one-especially since each waffle has about 174 calories.

I didn't have a camera when I ate my share of the waffle in Starbucks, and I gave the remaining one to Brother 1...and I think that's gone too. It just looks like any other Dutch waffle though.

Blue hot chocolate

I got pink, purple, and blue hot chocolate mixes from Disneyland as souvenirs. So, how do they look and taste?

I had to get the girly pastel colors-there was another set, presumably for boys, that had red, blue, and green.

Six fluid ounces of plain hot water, as directed for each serving size.

The mix itself looks a very pale yellow.

Half the tin makes one serving of hot chocolate.

Kind of looks like the blue drink that Luke Skywalker, Uncle Lars, and Aunt Beru were having during lunch. Heh.

As for the taste? To tell the truth, it tastes nothing like hot chocolate-it tastes like coconut even. Perhaps they were going for a white hot chocolate, but white chocolate isn't even real chocolate, if you ask a purist.


New desktop

If you've been paying attention, the subject shouldn't be a surprise.

I just found these high-resolution black and white Ainslie Henderson pics on Flickr, taken by whom I suspect might be his girlfriend. I just had to grab 'em.

...I also just made pesto popcorn. Yum. I'm PMS-ing anyway, so I do need some fat in my system.

Want: More sleep
Miss: Arrested Development, which I'm starting to watch again.
Love: That Taylor Hicks is working on a new album already! Yay!
Hate: ...That I don't know when it's going to be released yet.

food, picspam, famille, ainslie henderson

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