The kitchen cabinets are now in place, minus the countertops. Latest photos are from the decent camera, instead of my cell phone.
These two were taken this morning, as the cabinet installer was busily working.
And here's the kitchen around 5pm. The countertops are missing, which means they clearly haven't yet installed the sink or stovetop yet, and we're still lacking the doors for the corner cabinet (don't know why) and the right-most end panel next to the fridge (damaged in shipping, and must be reordered).
Most of the drawers do this full-extension thing, where the whole drawer just magically poofs out of the cabinet instead of leaving N inches behind. Kind of fun. Notice the nice dovetailing around the drawer box, and the lack of visible (and therefore drip-food-inable) rails.
Okay, way unnecessarily large for this. We've got light switches throughout the house--even if most aren't powered yet--and the blue lump in the ceiling beyond is one of our new smoke detectors. The latter are wearing plastic overcoats until painting and staining is done, to avoid damage.
Caption 5