make it stop.

Jun 03, 2009 12:20

i have come to the conclusion that celebrities and the internet kind of disgust me these days. people are WAY too obsessed with celebrities! i used to enjoy reading the posts on "oh no they didn't", but it is just way too ridiculous for me anymore. every little thing they do is scrutinized, even shit that is completely unimportant, like a celeb NOT buying a certain brand of clothes because they want to save a few dollars, or where so and so ate lunch. it's just fucking stupid. and then the celebrities themselves have completely gotten out of hand. everyone twitters, blogs, myspaces, facebooks, whatever. how can you bitch about not having privacy if you put it all out there? how can you bitch about the paparazzi if you're ALWAYS out and about, at clubs, shopping, whatever? i mean, in a way, it's nice that some stars are making themselves more 'accessible' by interacting with fans and crap, but it's just gone too far, i think. we do NOT need to know every little detail of these people's lives! the constant barrage of media is absurd. i would hate to wake up every day to a swarm of paparazzi outside of my house, to not be able to take a walk without having my picture taken 100 times and people bitching about my hair, outfit, and every word that comes out of my mouth. everywhere you turn, there is a new 'scandal', and most of the time, it's over completely inane shit. and don't get me started on all the 'celebrity feuds'. so fucking stupid. ugh. i watched some of the mtv movie awards the other night, for the first time in i don't even know how many years... i just couldn't believe how fake and completely void of any sort of actual... function it served. it was so disconnected, i could hardly even follow what the fuck was going on. it makes me kind of sad to think that this is the world we live in. the economy is shit, people are losing jobs and struggling to get by, but magazines can pay millions of dollars for the first 'exclusive' pictures of someone's baby. actors and actresses get paid fucking 10 MILLION or more to make a fucking movie. that's like, what, 3 months of work, for more than some people probably earn IN THEIR LIFETIMES. it's sickening. when did the brains of the masses get so screwed up that our priorities ended up here?

do we really need to know/see pictures of ______ walking down the street? taking out the trash? going to starbucks? fuck no.

i could go on forever about this... but i'll stop here. seriously, i just want to know why society has gotten so out of control with celebrity obsession in the past couple of years.

celebrity bullshit, rabble rabble, wtf

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