Jan 03, 2011 18:23
I suppose those things should have actual content too, but I have nothing I want to write about right now, so I'll just write some random facts about me.
*Some day, I would like to write fanfiction, but currently I just don't have the motivation.
*I really like manga and anime, especially Bleach. I know it's far from perfect, but the fandom is so entertaining, and I get so involved with some of the characters. My theory is that Kubo is bad at writing plot, but good at writing characters.
*My favourite writers are Terry Pratchett and J.K. Rowling (even though I've only really read her Harry Potter-related works and the Harry Potter-books themselves). I'm a big fan of the fantasy genre.
*I'm trying to learn basic HTML. It's really confusing.
*I'm what many people would call a "grammar nazi". Not so much when it's about English, seeing as it's not my first language, but my swedish friends know me for three things: Bleach, daydreaming and randomly correcting them when they're talking. I think they find it annoying. XD
*I like RPGs. I got Golden Sun: Dark Dawn for Christmas, and I've already played it for over 30 hours. I'm at the Apollo ascent. Alex, we all know it's you!
Well, I guess that'll be all. Happy new year!
real life,
golden sun,