To celebrate me getting that BLASTED bit of dust off of my camera, I thought I'd share the pictures.
I don't know if I can properly show just how happy I am but I spent about an hour last night cleaning ALL MY lenses (read: the 18-55 mm and the 55-200 mm) so that it would just go away only to discover that it wasn't a bit of dust on the lenses but on the camera body. Which, I might add, scared the shit out of me, because if anything happened to my camera I would be an absolute wreck. It's like my child (you can ask my adoptive roommate Jenn who tried not to laugh at my distress last night).
BUT IT'S FIXED. It was on the sensor (which, only opens when the shutter opens and therefore there is a special mode to clean it). I just had to blow away the dust...but god it scared the crap out of me (also realizing that my UV filter wasn't on the lens but had attached itself to the polarizer wasn't particularly a nice feeling...BUT ALL IS WELL).
Anyways, have some photos. These were all taken before the fixing, and you can't tell that anything was wrong with it. In fact, the only picture where it looked like there was something was the one with the flag...but I cloned that
Anyways, photos!
It makes a difference, trust me Which really ought to be viewed
large on black The one that's open is a book of documents and essays on aspects of US Foreign Policy (open to the Cuban Missile Crisis, if you were curious) and the book on top of it is all about Vietnam. I have to finish it by Friday. OH THE JOY.
I really want a wide-angle lens, that's just a general statement I thought I'd make. REALLY WOULD LOVE ONE.
Also, I think for my French final project-thing that I might take pictures inspired by moments of films by French directors. BUT I need to figure out what French director, what films and what moments. SO. Suggestions are always appreciated.
OH and if you're on flickr we can mutually friend one another, yes?