Apr 25, 2006 23:01
Who knows where the wind will take us!
So, I finally got my paperwork filled out to make the major change from Theatre Arts to Communications. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'm going to be meeting new people and making new friends and learning something new. It's definitely going to be a big change in my life, perhaps for the better or maybe even for the worse. ARGH! it's weird...cause here i am ...2 years of theatre arts under my belt and shit and now all of a sudden there i am like a wet t-shirt left outside to dry...a wet t-shirt that no one wants. so, changing my major is most definitely going to be like starting college all over again. well sort of.
it'll be ok...i;m sure of it!! ooh and i still have to declare my minor, which will be RTVF. Which by the way im excited to sart as well!!
But not to get ahead of myself i have tests and finals and crap to finish before i have to actually start my new major. so i figure i should take care of that and make sure that i get those good grades before i can start worrying about Communication classes or what not.
Today at work i found out that it's National Poetry Month! Who would have known? Well in any case i bought two collections (books) of poems by Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. and i was reading poems by E.E. Cummings when i came across a poem that seems to be (at least to me) a very heart felt piece. i wish i could find it on the web a post it...perhaps i will do that now...
( i'll post laters)
anywho...uh...i'm tired much to do...so little time! ARGH!