It's another long day, and another long night.
The stress was killing me, where will I stay, what will I do.
I still get panic attacks about not having a "home", which really is just another intangible bullshit concept we made up to make ourselves feel more comfortable. And probably sell more coffee tables. Because really, what is a home? For most it isn't with actually family, and for a lot it's just where we stash our shit, lay our heads and have forced interactions with people we hardly know ( which can be just like living with family). Is the American dream home still one with a classic family? Or has it become just an ikea furnished apartment in a good part of town?
Dream big.
What is it I'm questing after? What would home look like to me? Solitude. Sacred. Base camp. I realize I have most of that in my car. My sublet will provide those things, though temporarily.
In the end it'll work out because it has to.
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