May 09, 2002 21:46

Awwwww yeah. Bio department dinner was tonight. Free food at the faculty club. :-D I had two pieces of chocolate cake. Got to spend some QT with Ali and Margaret, who I never ever see anymore. At least Ali and I will have a class together next semester. Maybe then I'll actually *work* on my classes! (Novel idea, eh?)

The Logs came and sang for us. I firmly believe that "All the Small Things" is the best, most appropriate song they'll ever sing. I get an idiotic smile on my face whenever I hear them sing it.

As we went around the room and all the seniors talked about their memories of course 7 and what they were going to do next year, I found myself thinking about what I'll say a year from now, when I'm one of those seniors. And honestly, I have no idea. I don't know where I'll be, besides 'somewhere in California', and I really hope that I'll get to make some fun memories next year. I wish course 7 had more of a sense of community-- it's almost enough to make me want to be a 7.02 TA. Except that there's so much else I want to do next fall, and I just don't think I'll have the time. Well, maybe I can do it in the spring. We'll see.

mit, school

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