You guys, I think I may need some sort of Disney intervention, because I am watching The Princess and the Frog for the fourth time in as many days and Rogue keeps asking me when we can send it back to Netflix and I keep being like NO! MINE! NO TOUCHY! I can't believe I didn't go to see this in the theater. I should've gone opening night, dressed up like a princess.
(I may or may not also be trying to figure out how I can make one of Charlotte's huge floofy pink dresses such that it fits into my D*C luggage. Charloooooootttte.)
ALSO!!! In unrelated joyfulness, Perri, one of my favorite reccers ever,
has new recs up! Dresden Files! Leverage! SG1/Lantis! New Trek! (Did fandom ever agree on how to refer to the new movies?) Crossovers among the above-mentioned! *in fic heaven*