Okay, this one's a bit of a cheat-- it was about 99% done at the end of 2008. ;-) And I started it, um, almost five years ago. (Oops?)
sirrogue is an avid player of customizable card games (CCGs)-- mostly Star Trek these days, but he used to play a lot of Star Wars too (among other things). Decipher, the company that made the games, used to give T-shirts with images of various cards as tournament prizes. Rogue had a bunch of them, and they were starting to get kind of old, so I offered to make him a quilt out of them...back in 2004. I got the whole quilt top made, and got it pinned together with the batting and backing, and there I stopped. For four years. Because I couldn't figure out how the heck to quilt the darn thing. It was way too big to quilt with my sewing machine, the thought of quilting the whole queen-sized thing by hand made me want to cry, and I didn't want to obscure the images with yarn ties.
Somewhere in the past four years, I did some googling and discovered the "invisible" quilt tying method, where you use a long piece of thread/yarn/string/whatever (I used thin crochet cotton) and a long doll needle, and basically you thread the yarn through the batting and every few inches, you come up, take a stitch or two all the way through, then thread back into the batting. But I still didn't actually quilt the thing. Then in November of this year,
vampiretheatre posted a T-shirt blanket she'd made of her old MTG shirts, and I was like OK, it is time to finish this freaking thing. I tried to get it done by the end of 2008, but didn't quite make it. It was all quilted, but not bound. I started binding it on New Year's Day, and I finished this morning!
Specs: It's queen-sized, 100" x 85". I did use the invisible quilting method, making little Xs as my stitches. The t-shirt parts are all backed with iron-on interfacing, the cheap stuff from JoAnn. (Next time I'm getting nicer stuff.) The backing, binding, and the in-between blocks are a quilting cotton, little white stars on blue fabric. The big blocks are the cards from the front of the shirt and the slogan from the back, and the little squares are the logo from the sleeve.
The Star Wars cards:
Boba Fett
Leia Organa
Jabba the Hutt
Millennium Falcon
Grand Moff Tarkin
Obi-Wan Kenobi
General Veers
The Star Trek cards:
Jean-Luc Picard
The slogans:
"Never underestimate the power of the Force"
"Expand your power in the universe..."
"Choose Your Path..."
Here is it all laid out (upside down) when I first pinned it together over four years ago (look at all the furniture we don't have anymore, and how few DVDs there are!):
I think he likes it!
PHEW. Man am I glad to have that finished!