better watch out

Dec 21, 2008 11:13

Oh my gosh you guys, there I was, innocently browsing in a store in the garment district with aviendiora and llyrafantasyfae, and this roll of fabric just leapt up out of its bin and attacked me and demanded that I make it into an 18th century gown! And I said, "But I've never made an 18C before! I've never done *anything* historical before! What if you aren't historically accurate? What if I look terrible in yellow!? I'm not even supposed to buy any fabric today!" And it said, "WHO CARES I'M GORGEOUS BUY ME NOW WOMAN."

So I did. (I was helpless against it!) It's silk taffeta, I think, but very soft and drapey; the most beautiful buttery yellow with blue and white and tan stripes. I kept peeking in my bag to look at it the whole rest of the day!



(L: no flash, R: with flash)

So now I have to decide what to do with it! I'm thinking maybe a matching blue for the petticoat? We looked in Fabrics & Fabrics but nothing matched quite right. Suggestions? ...I guess I should probably do some 18C research now, huh?

costuming: 18c, costuming

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