"Those weren’t jokes. That was an appeal for a return to common sense and decency."

Nov 11, 2008 05:45

Making me laugh today: lolobama. Because macros still haven't stopped being funny. Here's one for the Doctor Who fans, plus a ton more links:

Old and busted; new hotness
More MIB fun
For all us West Wing fans
Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta
He's got this.
Extra points for the Very Secret Diaries reference
This one's a Simpsons reference, yeah?
Thank you, Daily Show!
Om nom nom!
Cause we know he's a geek
"I'm a bard!" (Bonus link to Political D&D if you haven't seen it)
Dramatic baby
Joe Biden was made for macro-ing

And of course, don't forget Yes We Can (Hold Babies)

Also, you guys, I have lost days of my life to TVTropes. (Warning: site is addictive. Use caution when clicking.) Every single time I go, I end up stuck there for hours. Look, there's a whole page about the ridiculous number of characters named Jack, which I kept meaning to do and now I don't have to! And I think the Portmanteau Couple Names page is making me ship people solely because their PCM is hilarious. (Foreteen! *dies*) They include XFiles in there though, and I have *never* seen anything but MSR used for Mulder and Scully. Is this a new thing? Damn these kids today...

election 2008, ha ha internets, those damn harry potter plagiarists, barack me obamadeus, x-files

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