"how did you know?" "I didn't, but that's always the story."

Feb 05, 2007 23:07

Quite the feast-or-famine tonight-- it's a party in danny_jordan and a funeral in paire_love. I'm not dreadfully bothered by Nathan being Claire's father, except in that I don't find it terribly interesting. The other guesses people were throwing around-- Linderman, Claude, Sylar, even HRG himself-- were way cooler, at least by my standards. And seriously, way to throw away some mad actor chemistry. Ah well, I don't run the show, so whatever.

And anyway! I don't care, because Studio 60 filled me with glee and *awwww.* At least Jordan and Danny did; I didn't so much notice what everyone else was doing. Except for Jack and Kim's dad (Mr. Possible?) being awesome.

Also, I think I told the TiVo to tape Prison Break because everyone was so flaily about tonight's episode. At least I hope I did. I shall be very Put Out if I forgot.

heroes, studio 60

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