What kind of world is it where my dentist appointment today was *less* painful than Tuesday's Gilmore Girls episode? I mean, honestly. (Only one teeny cavity that I'm getting filled Tuesday! Hurray for my teeth!)
Also, Jericho is really a terrible show. And yet I cannot stop watching it. Hmmm.
Oh and! Dies the Fire finally arrived from Amazon, so I can be all-apocalypse, all the time! Hurray!
ETA: Apparently, Dark Angel S2 actually is good for something!
sirrogue just saw a Supernatural promo, and the following ensued:
Him: "Oh hey! Now I know who the other guy from Supernatural is!"
Me: "Yes, it's Dean and Alec. Except Dean isn't Dean, Alec is Dean."
Him: "Then who's Dean?"
Me: "Dean is Sam."
Him: "Who the hell is Sam?"
And I-don't-know's on third, so there.