not directed at anyone on the flist...

Sep 05, 2006 21:23

...but do you ever have days when you just want to tell someone, or many someones, "Oh my god, you're an idiot, *please* shut up for the love of all that is holy"?

I kind of feel like that right now.

(But oooh, I look at my shiny new mood icons and am much less annoyed!)

(Also, I have been telling K-Joy about the good and the bad of Dark Angel, while she regales me with tales of Prison Break and Grey's Anatomy. It is excellent fun. Today I told her about how there is an eye in team. And about "X5-599, reporting for duty. I have a donor for you." AWESOME.)

(OH GOD ALSO. We watched an ep of S2 today and I discovered why Logan has permastubble. I take back everything I ever said. KEEP THE PERMASTUBBLE. NEVER SHAVE. GYAAAAAAH. I was like "who the fuck is that?" and Rogue's like "Michael Shanks?" and then we realized it was Logan and GYAAAAAAAAAAH.)

get off my planet, dark angel

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