
Mar 25, 2006 17:56

YAY! Good for Kimmie, she deserved every bit of it. I'm really starting to warm to her; she's beginning to show promise as a complete package, not just a little jumping pixie. She's got a long way to go, but then she's only 16. Good on her, that she had such a fantastic, clean performance. I kept yelling at the TV, "Don't think, just DO IT" and she did. Good girl.

I was really pulling for Fumie to win, because I enjoyed her Olympic performances and felt bad that she didn't medal. But a silver is good! She should be happy.

Sasha-- man. Honestly, I felt really bad for her. She just fell apart. What said it all for me was that her spiral sequence was wobbly. Usually, even if she falls or chokes or whatever, her spirals are still rock-solid and gorgeous. Not today, though. I guess what it comes down to is that Sasha hasn't figured out how to win. Sad.

Loved Sarah Meier! She'd look so much prettier in a dress, though. Boo for unitards.

Poor Joannie, I guess the pressure got to her. Better luck next time, doll.

Still loving Emily Hughes, because despite her lack of "polish" (as the commentators call it), you can just tell that she *loves* to skate, and I'll take that over technical ability any day of the week. As long as she keeps hold of that enthusiasm as she improves, she's going to be a fantastic skater.


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