I get to comment about GG at the same time as everyone else!

Mar 01, 2006 09:17

Gilmore Girls 2x16, 'Bridesmaids Revisited':

I fricking love Christopher. I do. I don't know exactly why. But I always love him, even when I'm busy hating him for being a jerk (see: third season, fifth season). And I enjoy his friendship with Lorelai. So I was happy to see him. However: dude who plays Christoper, STOP CUTTING YOUR HAIR. It looks better when it's a little bit longer. Trust me on this one.

I totally called Lane getting married! Ha!

Also, having gone through five boys total with no luck, it's clearly time for some Rory/Paris femslash. For serious. (voleuse agress with me!)

In GG alum news, we discovered recently that Dave Rygalski is in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Naked Guy Marty is in the movie version of Rent. Awesome.

The Amazing Race 9, Episode 1:

Loving the hippies and the nerds. Those shrieking-harpy faux-glamazons have GOT to go. Next episode, please?

Some of the teams are taking it way too far with the matching outfits and whatnot. The pink girls? "Mojo," with "MO" on one and "JO" on the other? Ick.

The southern dentist jerk was all "I lack compassion" and waaaaaah, I would never want him for my dentist EVER! I believe I shall call him Orin and his blonde servant wife Audrey.

And the single mom and daughter are totally the Gilmore Girls. The daughter even sort of vaguely looks like a Hispanic version of Rory. I was trying out "Gilmoritas" for their name, but not sure it'll stick.

the amazing race, gilmore girls

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