a vision's just a vision if it's only in your head/if no one gets to see it, it's as good as dead

Dec 06, 2005 02:37

All right, fine, if I have to have insomnia, I can at least be productive. I want to make another set of Star Wars: Musical Edition icons, with quotes from this fall's production. Except I didn't keep track at all like I meant to, so my list right now is really short.

So! SWaTME peeps, I need your help. Give me quotes you want to see on icons. Here's what I have so far:

Some action.
"It's a TWAAAAP!"
(possibly "At LAAAAAAAST, the shield is down!")
"I'm not left-handed!" "You are now."
"Ew! She kissed me!"
"Ew! I kissed you!"
And if there's any way to represent the POTC theme in written form, that would be so awesome. But "Duh-duh-DUH-duh duh-duh-DUH-duh" really doesn't translate.

(Dude, if Janet were on LJ I would so make her her very own special "stormtrooper number slow" icon.)

Now, suggest away!

ETA: OMG someone get Sunday out of my head! "Zis is not my good profile..."

star wars: musical edition

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