I can't stop reading Katrina coverage. It's heartbreaking that things just seem to be degenerating further and further, and I don't think we've seen the worst yet. More than anything, though, I'm furious with the sanctimonious, self-righteous asshats looking down on the chaos in NO and squawking, "Why didn't they leave? There was a mandatory evacuation order! It's their fault! It's their own fault that they're in this situation!"
OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU MORONS. Can we please just leave aside all the reasons why people might not have left (like say, oh, HAVING NO MEANS TO LEAVE!?) and just focus on the fact that these are our fellow HUMAN BEINGS who are suffering *terribly*? Can the blame and recriminations maybe wait a little while, and we can all just focus on saving lives, getting these people out of the city, and making sure they have somewhere to go? It just sickens me how some people have reacted to this, that their own need to feel superior has asserted itself in this incredibly disgusting way.
Of all the weeks for the Daily Show to be on hiatus. (It kind of disturbs me how dependent I've grown on Jon Stewart, but it helps, so for now, I'm not going to question it.)
ETA: Everyone, if you haven't already, please go and read
interdictor for a firsthand look at the situation in New Orleans. It should be required reading for everyone on the Internet.