I fell asleep at 4:30, and woke up to my phone ringing. I missed the call, saw 6 o'clock and momentarily thought it was morning and time to go to work. There's nothing better than getting an evening back you thought you didn't have... except perhaps this
gourmet mustard I got at the market -it's like crack.
So between having a nap, "gaining" an evening, eating mustard and buying CDs, I'm in a pretty good mood*. I spent a lot of the evening wandering and found this great store at McCaul and Baldwin. It's called "Chada" and it has scarves rolled up like flowers in these big baskets and the whole store is beautiful.
*(admittedly, there's another reason, but I'll hold off on that one for a while)
I really needed that nap. I was overloaded with psychoanalysis and random worries. As per usual, my sister bore much of the brunt... but we're pretty symbiotic that way anyhow so I don't feel too bad.
Speaking of psychoanalysis, screw you Eye Weekly horoscope. You may be right, but I'm not a fan of mockery at my own expense.