Mushaboom (mushaboom)

May 03, 2007 23:10

A lot has changed since I’ve lived in this city… or maybe it has been the same all along and I’m only noticing it now. A descriptive word that comes to mind is mush, or mash -only the latter if it excludes any “monster” prefix.

When I first came back, one thing I really noticed was how badly the city smelled. Then it was the noise. It has only recently occurred to me the reason for both of these. When you’re walking down the street, if you walk in front of a restaurant, the smell of cooking food radiates from the windows with seemingly nuclear like power. Now imagine that restaurants occupy at the very least one of every three stores along Yonge, all those smells are combining (or “mushing” if you will) into one seriously toxic olfactory experience.

Additionally, there are undoubtedly a few dead bodies of varying species that contribute to the experience.

Secondly the noise level. In general, the other two of three stores fall into the
1) Clothing
2) “Nailz”
3) or TANNING! categories.

Regardless, all of these are blasting awful remixes of songs that were terrible to begin with. And the noise never stops. Even as I am sitting here, only five minutes ago, a man yelled a single bone-chilling scream. Right now there are sirens in the distance. I’m not even remotely making this up.

Thirdly the city is busybusybusy. Who are all these people, where did they come from and why are they everywhere at any given time? The streets are always packed.

And since when is there a countdown at every intersection to cross the street? I guess the flashing hand wasn’t good enough anymore. I get the feeling that if you’re on the street when it’s down to one or zero, cab drivers are liable to run you over with the assumption that you’ve been given adequate warning.

I think I might have some sort of hyper sensory capacities.
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