Haven't really done anything today. My father left at seven thirty amongst much door slamming for a kayaking trip. My mother left at eight thirty to go shopping. I stumbled out of bed at ten to ten. I then collapsed onto the couch and watched the tv with glazed over eyes. RAGE was on. I never normally watch music videos, and this morning simply confirmed this. I just don't see the point. Then I managed to make myself a coffee before watching teachers again. It was about this point that I realised my head/face really hurts - my sinuses are playing up again yay. I finally got dressed at eleven-ish and considered doing some washing but at that point it started to pour with rain. I then remembered that today was "Get Started on Resolution for THIMUN" day. So I made my way to the computer and did some research on gender equality and found this document (
http://amg.um.dk/NR/rdonlyres/BFD3562F-9081-4FA6-BBBF-BC50784AE8EB/0/gender_equality.pdf) which is very useful given I'm representing Denmark on the Gender Equality committee. With that success I started printing and got distracted by the shiny Internet. My mother came home and I went upstairs after lunch and read that very exciting document. Then fell asleep for half an hour.
It is now almost three. I feel like I'm hungover. This not being able to sleep business really must stop.