Edit :[[Filtered from Luca]]
A new day, full of possibilities. And for once it seems there are no plagues or curses to be found. I think I shall spend the time out exploring, I've been cooped up for far too long.
Seven days left. Perhaps an answer can be found out there. But if not... can we really take the chance? We have to be prepared... In the end, sacrifices may have to be made for the good of all.
Damn, my hand is on fire. Oh, I know you're not pleased Bright Shield. Shall we do something you've been wanting to today? It's been far too long in the coming...
Thank you for the faerie dust, Tinkerbell. I'll be quite enjoying it today!
[[OOC : Affected. Run, Jowy, run! Look out for falling stuff below! And residents of Building 4 - Apartment 60, consider your puppies dognapped. ;) Log of the impending duel to the death can be found
HERE! Strikes = deleted.]]